Floral Frames Class

I'm finally getting around to posting photos of all the amazing frames the ladies made a couple weeks ago at our January Gift and Gab class.  ALL the flowers are handmade with paper cut from punches or dies.  Most are SU, some are not.  We had such fun with these, but they WERE time-consuming.  These ladies are all friends now, so we don't mind spending time with them!  Rochelle and I will be doing more Gift and Gab classes in the future so watch for the invite on my website or in your e-mail!

Pam's Frame

Rochelle's Frame - note the ladybug!  So cute! Made with Sharpee markers on pearls!

This is Mickie's artwork outside of the frame. - Note the "Bees" !  Darling!

This was my prototype.  I will use it as a frame for a photo since I don't like the "love" on there.

This is Vernie's masterpiece.

Sherry's amazing artwork.

A few directions.  I "made up" the bottom flower trying to make it look like a lilac.

This is Rochelle's.  She worked long and hard on the gladioli
Last but not least, is Amy's beautiful frame!  However, for some reason Blogger INSISTS on putting it in here upside down!!!!!!!

That's it for today.

Have a great day.


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