I was not fortunate enough last night, at the Stampin' Up! New Catalog Premier, to win a prize patrol, but I found this comparison of the new In-Colors to our existing colors here.
I saw them in person and they are very pretty.  I especially loved the blue and the green. 
It was wonderful to sit in the theater and watch the presentation.  I think this was a unique and fun way for Stampin' Up! to get the catalog out to us.  Our group (about 50) all got together at a Panera afterward to eat and look at the catalog and squeal and chat!  It was so fun to see some ladies that I hadn't seen in a long time.
The catalog is beautiful.  Everyone will have their own opinion of it.  I liked it, for the most part.  I'm still a bit disappointed in the DSP selection.  All too "geometric" and contemporary for me.
There is, however, enough in the catalog that I like for my bank account to suffer severely!
Anxious for the May 1st pre-order.  Then I can start playing with new "toys".  I'm MOST excited about our new alcohol markers, called Blendabilities.  I've resisted buying any alcohol markers up to now....just due to the cost.  Now I can justify it since I'll be buying from my own "store".
You will all get to see the catalog about June 1st.
Ta ta for now.


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